”BEWARE!” is the Erasmus+ strategic partnership designed to not only raise awareness and educate youths on the dangers of the online world but also to equip them with the knowledge and tools to protect themselves.
According to one study, teens and young adults ages 16 to 24 spend almost 200 minutes a day (3 hours, 20 minutes) online on a mobile device. With that much time spent online, they’re bound to frequently encounter risks or unpleasant experiences, whether intentionally or not. Teens need help navigating the online risks that they face so that they can learn from and overcome them and that’s where BEWARE steps in!
Project Activities
Kick-off Meeting
The kick-off meeting of the BEWARE project took place in TARGU-JIU (Romania) from 30th to 31st August 2018. During the meeting, partners shared their best practices and planned the many national and transational activities to come in the next months.
Project Launch
Thursday 26th of September it was organised the project launch event by IFOM and YouNet in Bologna called "BEWARE...of opportunities!".
It was presented what are the objectives the project pursues and the possibilities of involvement for youth workers in the training seminars and workshops. |
2nd Learning Activity
On 8-11 January 2019, IFOM trained the partners' youth workers in the use of Non-Formal Education activities to prevent and reduce cyberbullying episodes and plan new tools to use with the students.
Mid-term Meeting
On 3-4 September 2019, the partners met in Nizza for the 2nd transational meeting: it was the chance to confront on what has been achieved until now, and plan the next local activities.
Final Meeting
On 19-20 December 2019, representatives from the partners involved gathered together for the final meeting to present eacher the outcomes of the workshops led with the students in local schools.
Local Activities in Italy
During the month of December 2019 and January 2020, IFOM team and its youthworker have perfomed workshops in local schools and organised events to disseminate the project results.
1# Newsletter
Cosa posso trovare nella prima newsletter? Una panoramica delle attività e della linea temporale del progetto, una descrizione dei risultati fruibili che potrete aspettarvi di vedere comparire presto sui vostri schermi e le attività formative in preparazione degli incontri con i giovani.
2# Newsletter
Cosa posso trovare nella seconda newsletter? Il link per scaricare la guida Beware, composta delle sue due parti, entrambe gratis e rivolte agli educatori interessati a parlare di cyberbullismo con i loro giovani, e aggiornamenti sul gioco educativo che sarà presto pronto!
3# Newsletter
Cosa posso trovare nella terza newsletter? Il gioco educativo Beware Game, utilizzabile da app o desktop con i ragazzi per sensibilizzarli al tema del cyberbullismo, e una presentazione delle attività locali che IFOM, insieme a Younet, hanno svolto nelle scuole del territorio.
Project Outcomes
The Beware Guide for Youth Workers
The BEWARE Toolkit is your access point to the BEWARE Digital Guide which is designed to support youth workers in educating and training young people about responsible internet use.
The Educational GameThe Game empowers young players with skills to recognize and handle cyber interactions such as bullying in both an effective and safe way.