The Project involves exchange of good practices in the field of vocational education and training.
The main aim of the project is the improvement of the quality of activities, carried out in projects within the VET sector, for each of the partners participating in the Europe for VET+ project.
The main aim of the project is the improvement of the quality of activities, carried out in projects within the VET sector, for each of the partners participating in the Europe for VET+ project.
The partners.
The project is led by the Zespół Szkół Ponadgimnazjalnych nr 1 im. Prof. Wacława Zenczykowskiego w Kłodzku, from Poland. The partners are Lotnicze Zakłady Naukowe from Poland, Asociacion Mundus from Spain, ImproveAway from Malta and IFOM from Italy.
The project will run from 01/10/2018 to 31/05/2020. |
Project Objectives.
The compendium.
The Compendium will include information on: templates of documents useful in VET projects; potential risks in VET projects analysis; procedures which should be used in a hosting company in regard to hosting a VET student; areas of recommended pre-departure trainings for future participants of VET projects; conditions that should meet both the employer and the trainee joining a VET project; procedures related to quality management and monitoring in VET projects; duties of accompanying persons, which they should carry out during VET projects; rules for recruiting participants for VET projects.
The compendium will be based on:
The Activities.
Kick-Off meeting
From 29/11/2018 to 30/11/2018
Kłodzko, Poland |
- Introductory meeting, presentation of partners Project implementation
- Management, rules, documents, communication and accounting issues, tasks in the project. - Study visits in 3 companies. |
2nd international meeting
From 14/02/2019 to 15/02/2019
Valletta, Malta |
- Finalize CAWI surveys, IDI scenarios
- Finalize Compendium’s structure - Division of tasks regarding preparation of Compendium - Finalize National report’s structure - Visit companies |
3rd international meeting
From 04/07/2019 to 05/07/2019
Wroclaw, Poland |
- Finalize schedule for preparation of Compendium
- Prepare draft internship programmes for 3 professions – building technicians, logistics technicians and mechatronics technicians - Future plans in the project, set up some new procedures - Visit 2 companies: Robert Bosch Sp. z o.o and Collins Aerospace |
4th international meetingFrom 09/10/2019 to 10/10/2019
Zaragoza, Spain |
- IDI - evaluation
- CAWI - general info - Feedback regarding ECVET from schools - Working on Compendium - Visit to local companies |