Who We Are
We are a nonprofit VET centre specialised on Erasmus+ learning mobility projects for students and staff |
IFOM (Institute for Training, Employment and Learning Mobility) Social Cooperative is a nonprofit Vocational Education and Training centre that strongly believes in and supports work-based learning, mobile learning, apprenticeships and vocational trainings schemes both at local and European level. IFOM is associated to LegaCoop (National Cooperatives and Mutual societies Union) that is the biggest and oldest Cooperatives’ union. IFOM has thus direct access and cooperates with some among the biggest cooperatives in Italy.
IFOM aims to foster quality improvements and excellence in education and training while strengthening employability, focusing especially on those that have less chance to find a job. We use training and mobility as tools to foster employability and reduce the skill gap between education and labour market. IFOM holds extensive experience in vocational training placement and our international team of experts combines field expertise with passion and a proven track record of successes. We believe in work-based mobility as a tool to fight youth unemployment, and as a bridge between school and work. We help local companies to receive vocational students from and support the schools, learners and teachers to make the best of the opportunities provided by the Erasmus+ programme, notably in undertaking traineeships and training abroad. IFOM provides vocational training placements in a wide range of sectors including: Tourism, hotel and catering; Mechanic, electrician, logistics; Automotive, CNC, mechatronics; Agriculture and agribusiness; Construction and landscape architecture; IT; Finance and accounting; Graphics, marketing and communication; Healthcare and social care. You can read here more about our experience in the field of VET and Erasmus+ traineeships. If you are a vocational school interested in sending your learners to Italy for an Erasmus+ traineeship check here how we can support you. We have a broad experience in European programmes and have successfully received and sent over 5 thousands vocational students especially in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme and in the European Social Fund. IFOM has been granted the Erasmus+ accreditation in the VET sector for the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme and is regularly developing Erasmus+ strategic partnership and innovation projects. IFOM work as a network in the Italian territory where it cooperates with public institutions, SMEs and large companies, VET centres, schools, universities and other formal and non-formal education institutions. IFOM is the founder and coordinator of a consortium of VET schools that aims to provide higher quality and accessibility to apprenticeship and work-based learning schemes both at national and European level. We cooperate closely with local and regional institutions. IFOM supports and participates in the European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAFA) that brings together public authorities, businesses, social partners, vocational education and training providers, youth representatives, and other key actors to promote apprenticeship schemes and initiatives across Europe. In particular IFOM supports the EAFA in its mission to promote apprenticeship schemes and initiatives across Europe and participates as stakeholder in the EAFA annual meetings and in high level policy-making events. IFOM has experience and support the use of the European Credit system for Vocatoinal Education & Training (ECVET) and regularly attends the annual ECVET forums and relevant peer-learning activities organized be the ECVET secretariat. IFOM is member of the Digital Skills and Jobs Coalition a multi-stakeholder partnership launched by the EC to help meet the high demand for digital skills in Europe. IFOM is a member of the National Broadcasting Network (RND) of Euroguidance Italy, a network established in 1994 and composed of institutions, organization and experts in the field of vocational guidance and mobility. The network constitutes a platform for growth and comparison aimed at ensuring the dissemination of information and practices throughout the country. It offers, in fact, the possibility of: sharing innovative practices and tools for transnational mobility, identifying partners for the development of projects, encouraging the cooperation of the various actors at local, regional and national level. |
We look forward to work with new schools and organizations |
Please feel very welcome to contact us if your school, institution or company is interested in traineeships, vocational work placements, apprenticeships and learning mobility programmes.