Ciao! I'm Sandra. I am 24 years old and I came from Poland. Last year I finished my bachelor's degree in Spanish Philology in Wroclaw. In the second year of my studies, I took part in an Erasmus student exchange in Spain. This experience radically changed my life. I have become a very open-minded person who is curious about new cultures, traditions and languages. I fell in love with Spain and for this reason I moved there for an internship right after my studies. However, after a few months I decided that I needed a change and further development. I want to get to know Italy, get closer to its culture and improve my Italian language. And so, after a successful qualification process, I am on a project in Reggio Emilia. The year that awaits me here will certainly be fruitful in amazing experiences and great friendships. I will get to know myself better and gain new skills that I will be able to use in the future professional and private life.